Niel Asher
Yoga Anatomy for Trigger Points
Yoga Anatomy for Trigger Points
This online course is designed for any yoga enthusiast or teacher, seeking to better understand the biomechanics of the body as it applies to yoga, trigger points, and healing.
Presented by yoga master Yoni Kedem, the course includes practical tips for targeting the healing properties of yoga, for you or your students.
Course Texts:
The course texts are visually designed in quick reference format to offer detailed information about the main skeletal muscles that are central to yoga, with asanas to demonstrate the particular muscles and muscle groups.
More than 400 full colour illustrations detail each muscle’s origin, insertion, and action in order to clearly reveal how the muscles come into play in the movements and postures of yoga.
Video Classes:
The 40 video classes that accompany the texts include asanas presented by yoga master Yoni Kedem together with his suggested tips to aid in the understanding, practice and teaching of yoga.